Intelligent Design
Sunday, July, 22nd, 8:00 pm (CDT)
Should Intelligent Design be taught in our schools? Is this a matter of freedom of speech? Does restricting intelligent design from our classrooms violate our first amendmentrights. Listen in, call (646) 652-4620 and interact during our live broadcast.Go to,
Immigration, Free Trade and the Economy
Thursday, July 19th, 6:30 am (CDT)
What is the association among immigration,
free trade and the economy? Why are we so
adamant about free trade of good, but not so
fond of free trade of people? If a strict immigration
reform legislation was passed and rigorously
enforced, what would be the effect on our daily
lives. Would it be better? Listen in and interact by
calling (646) 652-4620 during our live broadcast.
To listen in, go to, or
Freedom From Legislation
Sunday, July 15th, 8:00 pm (central)Why is it so difficult for people to understand that legislation restricts freedom. One politicianrecently said that without legislation there would be anarchy. That rediculous remark was not contested by anyone; not the press, political pundits, no one. But we will. Listen in and interact (646) 652-4620.To listen, go to,
It's Your Liberty Stupid!
Thursday, July 12th, 6:30 am (central)
Everyone seems to have solutions to the nations most
pressing problems, but rarely does anyone consider,
or even reference, the consequences on our liberties.
I will vent my frustrations during this half-hour live
broadcast and ask that you call in to (646) 652-4620
and give me your take.
To listen go to or
Presidential Candidate Ray McKinney: An Interview
Sunday, July 8th, 8:00 pm
Mr. McKinney is an independent candidate who
has joined the race for the presidency of the
United States.
Let's hear what he has to say about where he
would take this country of ours. Is he for more
government programs, or will he raise the banner
of liberty. Join this conversation by calling in
during our live broadcast (646) 652-4620.
To listen go to or
Separation of Church and State
Thursday, July 5th, 6:30 am (central time)
Most presidential candidates feel compelledto affirm their faith as if it was a condition of employment for the presidency of the UnitedStates. Do these guys ever read the Constitution?Is this necessary? Is it good, or detrimental to ourliberty. Call (646) 652-4620 and let's hear youropinion.To listen in go to or to
Our Monetary System
Sunday, July 1st, 8:00 pm (CT)Any Sutton, Host of Beat The Street, will join me in a discussion of our monetary system.Where does the paper that is in our wallets come from? Is it really worth anything? Is it backed by gold, silver, nothing? How should we view money in order to protect ourselves. Is our economy strong enough to support the money outstanding? Call during our broadcast and interact (646) 652-4620.To listen in go to or